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First AidReinforced Library Binding978-1-338-85365-0Knowing how to treat injuries is a skill that every outdoor adventurer needs. Did you know that you can splint a broken finger using only tape? Or that cool water is the first step to treating a burn? Learn all this and more in First Aid—a book tha Learn MoreSpecial Price $23.25 Regular Price $31.00
Flesh WoundReinforced Library Binding978-0-531-13231-9When Bo Salisbury hurts his ankle playing soccer, doctors think it's a bad bruise. Soon his leg gets worse, and he feels very sick. Will they solve this medical mystery in time? Learn MoreSpecial Price $21.75 Regular Price $29.00
I Have the HiccupsReinforced Library Binding978-0-531-22706-0Hic! What is that sound? Hic! What is that funny feeling? It sounds like you have the hiccups! Hiccups are very common. And, though they can be annoying or embarrassing, they are nothing to worry about. You can learn all about hiccups—and how to ma Learn MoreSpecial Price $18.75 Regular Price $25.00
I Need Stitches978-0-531-21039-0Every active child gets lots of cuts and scrapes. Luckily most heal easily on their own. Every once in a while, though, there’s a deep cut that requires stitches. This book helps readers understand when a wound needs to be stitched, how a doctor pu Learn MoreSpecial Price $18.75 Regular Price $25.00
Prairie Dog Alert!Reinforced Library Binding978-0-531-13232-6Schyan Kautzer and her parents want a new pet, so they adopt a prarie dog. But one day Schyan gets a fever, and her body is suddenly covered with sores. The only clue to her illness is a bite from her pet prairie dog. The family had no idea that adop Learn MoreSpecial Price $21.75 Regular Price $29.00
The Science of Medical TechnologyReinforced Library Binding978-0-531-13193-0Sometimes your body needs help getting better from an injury or illness. Medical technology can help find out what is wrong as well as cure what ails us. Today, tiny video cameras can be inserted into the body to see what’s there – and if someone Learn MoreSpecial Price $21.75 Regular Price $29.00