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Can You See a Circle?Reinforced Library Binding978-1-338-76515-1Shapes are all around us, from a circle in a sunflower to a sphere in the sun to a hexagon in a bee’s honeycomb. This book is an introduction to basic shapes, such as triangles and squares, and to 3-D shapes, such as cubes and cones, all shown thro Learn MoreSpecial Price $18.75 Regular Price $25.00
CodingReinforced Library Binding978-1-338-76191-71 robot … 2 robots … 3! Programmers use math every day to write code that helps computers and robots do their jobs. Join a real coder to learn about STEPS of a program, PATTERNS in code, IF/THEN statements, and more. Then test your math skills wi Learn MoreSpecial Price $18.75 Regular Price $25.00
HearingReinforced Library Binding978-1-338-89826-2How do we experience the world? Let's learn all about the five senses! The sense of hearing is one of our five senses. And it is amazing! It helps us carry out a conversation and enjoy music and the sounds of nature. It also warns us if there is dang Learn MoreSpecial Price $18.75 Regular Price $25.00
How Many Penguins?Reinforced Library Binding978-1-338-76518-2This book encourages kids to count groups of animals from reindeer to elephant seals to lemurs in a tour around the globe with amazing nature pictures! Math challenges guide kids to practice adding and subtracting within 1-25 and counting up to 100. Learn MoreSpecial Price $18.75 Regular Price $25.00
NavigationReinforced Library Binding978-1-338-85373-5Knowing how to navigate–whether it’s by using a compass or by using objects found in nature—is a skill that every outdoor adventurer needs. Did you know that you can make a compass out of sticks and rocks? Or that you can use the stars as a gui Learn MoreSpecial Price $23.25 Regular Price $31.00
Rainforest OppositesReinforced Library Binding978-1-338-79798-5These word pairs are all different. But they have one thing in common. Each is a pair of words that have completely different meanings! Do you know the opposite of fast? How about the opposite of big? With this book you can become an expert! Learn MoreSpecial Price $18.75 Regular Price $25.00
SeeingReinforced Library Binding978-1-338-89823-1How do we experience the world? Let's learn all about the five senses! The sense of sight is one of our five senses. And it is amazing! Among many other things, it helps us see where we are going, recognize our family and friends, and learn in school Learn MoreSpecial Price $18.75 Regular Price $25.00
SizeReinforced Library Binding978-0-531-17512-5We use the words big and small to describe the size of things. They help us compare things. In this book, real-world examples and corresponding photos make this math concept easy for the youngest readers to grasp. Learn MoreSpecial Price $18.75 Regular Price $25.00
SmellingReinforced Library Binding978-1-338-89814-9How do we experience the world? Let's learn all about the five senses! The sense of smell is one of our five senses. And it is amazing! It helps us recognize different smells, it brings back memories, and it keeps us safe. Smelling also enhances the Learn MoreSpecial Price $18.75 Regular Price $25.00
TastingReinforced Library Binding978-1-338-89820-0How do we experience the world? Let's learn all about the five senses! The sense of taste is one of our five senses. And it is amazing! Among many other things, it makes us enjoy food and recognize many different flavors, such as sweet, sour, and sal Learn MoreSpecial Price $18.75 Regular Price $25.00